Friday, August 22, 2008

AYSO Soccer Camp

Baylie had so much fun attending her very 1st AYSO Soccer Camp. All the coaches came over from the U.K. and so they talked with these sweet accents. Coach Chris was her instructor for the week and he was really great with the kids. Though she had already started practicing with her AYSO team, this camp really made her feel like an official soccer player. Her confidence really built throughout the week. She started off carrying her ball into camp, and by the end of the week came out kicking it.

"Wacky Wednesday"

One of her favorite parts of the week was Wacky Wednesday-they had to dress "wacky" (imagine that). Baylie really wanted to spray paint her head to look like a soccer ball, like we did with Isaiah last year, but I wasn't sure it would fly with longer hair and all. So, instead we decided on 8 ponytails.

During the week they also had a "soccer quiz" in which Baylie made it into the "finals", eventually winning it. She was given a special award for this at the end of camp, which she was pretty excited about. According to Baylie, this award proved that she was better at soccer then her brother. I have no idea what the quiz was about, in fact, I'm not even sure the coach remembers. For all we know, it could have been about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.


Jocelyn Allan said...

This was the same soccer camp that I took Anistyn too a few weeks ago--isn't it great! Ani was so amused by their accents!

I had Liz Beez over at my house yesterday (it was Nate Felt's wedding) and we were talking about how much we miss you guys--you need to come to Utah some time so we can see you!

Anonymous said...

Wow I am so impressed!! Kristi (and you too Doug) are doing a fantastic job with this blog! Total life histories complete with pictures! You are really putting your mother to shame:) but that's OK keep it up. What a beautiful family we have!!! (I can say that 'cause I'm the grandma)
Love you all, Mom